Why I Wanted to Start this Blog

Reasons for Starting a mom blog

Reasons for Starting this Blog

I wanted to start a blog because I love to write and I am so much better at writing than talking in front of a group.

Most people start a blog to help others. Some want to share the things they are good at and try to help and encourage others. I started this blog because I’m a busy mom who needs help. Hopefully by me sharing what I learn along the way I can help and encourage lots of others parents in the same place. We all need help sometimes right?

Momlife is a Struggle

Is anyone’s house really that clean? Does anyone always fold the laundry when it comes out the dryer? Or wash dishes every night? Is anyone else’s child better at organizing than they are? Please tell me I’m not the only one who struggles with routines, meal planning and budgeting.


Needing Motivation

I try, I really do but I’m not consistent and end up giving up sometimes. I really need help with motivation.

I also may be the biggest procrastinator on Earth. It’s a real struggle for me. I have created some of my own charts and printables to help, and I’ll be sharing those soon! I will also share with you all of the great ideas and deals I can find. I really hope it helps you to lessen your load and ease your stress.

I have been wanting to start a blog for years and being the procrastinator that I am never got fully started. I have notebooks full of ideas and either never typed them up or never had the courage to just DO it.

I didn’t feel like I was ready or felt like everything had to be perfect but I’m so happy I finally got started! I can’t wait to see how it turns out and I would love to know what you think.

Purpose and Inspiration behind this blog

I want to help families, parents and single parents. This blog was created to give you a place to find easy suggestions and tips. I hope to help you become happier, healthier, more organized and/or make extra money so you can spend more time with your families.

By the way, here are some fun Mom Quotes!


I write for:

  • The mom dropping her kids off at daycare before the sun comes up
  • The parents working over 10 hours a day
  • The mom struggling to buy groceries
  • The family desperately waiting for pay day each week
  • The parents feeling like they repeat themselves over and over
  • The mom fighting with morning and bedtime routines daily
  • The family that’s always asking what’s for dinner
  • The mom who just needs a little extra help so she can enjoy her kids

We can do it!

We can help each other get through the hard times together by offering advice and sharing what we learn every day. This is real life, this blog is not going to be about perfect family life because life isn’t perfect. But, it can be happy and we don’t have to struggle alone. That’s why I created this blog as an outlet, and to help other parents like me. Be patient, good things are going to happen!


Join me on Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook where I share anything I find that’s fun, helpful or inspirational, including ideas for spending family time together, getting organized, gift ideas, ways to make extra money or delicious recipes to make.

Why did you start your blog or business? Leave a comment below.

I would love to hear from you!

15 thoughts on “Why I Wanted to Start this Blog”

  1. I love your reasons why you created this blog. Listing the reasons why really gives us readers a sense of your personality and intentions. What a great idea!

  2. I am not a mom but I think it is great that you are starting something that you want to do and being interested in helping others and receiving help rather than just starting a blog to make money with no interest in writing.

  3. What a refreshing honest article. Thank you so much for sharing your perspective. I am a stay-at-home mom with two lovely girls. I myself struggle to keep a tidy house, juggle the grocery shopping & meal planning, chauffeuring my children and working moms children, handling the finances and starting my own blog with the hopes to generate an income! PHEW….when you write it all down you realize that your blog will be of great service.
    Good luck!!

  4. I love how you put this into words. I followed you on Pintrest and Instagram. 😊
    I started blog because I am constantly doing DIY and I wanted to share my journey.


  5. Hey there 🙂

    Your wordpress site is very sleek – hope you don’t mind me asking what theme you’re using?
    (and don’t mind if I steal it? :P)

    I just launched my site –also built in wordpress like yours– but the theme slows
    (!) the site down quite a bit.

    In case you have a minute, you can find it by
    searching for “royal cbd” on Google (would appreciate any feedback) – it’s still in the works.

    Keep up the good work– and hope you all take care of yourself during the
    coronavirus scare!

  6. You have great reasons for starting your blog! I started to make some extra money so my husband could retire a little earlier. Keep it up! It looks great!

  7. I recently re-established my “whys” for my blog and I think it is so important to put them out there and stay focused. I hope you don’t mind, but I may take inspiration from this post and write an honest post about my “whys” on my blog.

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